
This movie compares how much space one person has in different cities I lived in. This is calculated by taking the number of inhabitants divided by the area of the city. The movie is a tribute to the classic information graphic movie the Power of Ten. Den här filmen jämför hur mycket levnadsutrymme en person… Continue reading Dencity

Google Place

Google Place is an interactive screen that can be placed in different public spaces like subways, train stations and information centers. On the screen you can login with your phone and search for nearby restaurants, cafés, shopping and more with search results that are based on your preferences and your friends recommendations.


No longer will it be necessary to let rain spoil your fun. Now you can keep your windshield clear and dry with a drizzleguard! This is a project I made in Ori Kleiners Motion Graphic class at SVA, School of Visual Arts spring 2013. Teknik: After Effects, Illustrator

Showreel 2012

Här är min allra första showreel 😀 Det är ett hopplock av saker jag gjort under året men även under 2011. Så det är inget nytt material för er som följer min blogg. Annars håller jag för fullt på med att animera en kortfilm om mina gamla mardrömmar. Förhoppningsvis blir den färdig innan året är… Continue reading Showreel 2012