Recently we at Fully Studios launched a site for the beautiful game Planet of Lana. One of the tasks was to create a image reveal effect for the screenshots. Here’s how you can create it yourself using only CSS.
Connect ADB wirelessly to a Oculus Quest
When developing VR games and experiences for my Oculus Quest and Quest 2, I often wanna export an .apk file to the headset to check performance or just be untethered from my computer. Usually I transfer it using a Link cable (just a fancy USB 3 cable), but it’s a bit of a hazel having… Continue reading Connect ADB wirelessly to a Oculus Quest
How to export and compress a glTF file with Draco 3D using Blender
TLDR; Export the file with glTF 2.0 and enable compression under Geometry. During some experimentation with the VR framework A-Frame, I found out there is a new format for the web called glTF. It’s used for describing 3D models, animations and textures, all in one file. (Here is an example of a glTF file rendered… Continue reading How to export and compress a glTF file with Draco 3D using Blender
Create a simple UI in After Effects
In our previous tutorial, we learned how to extract keyframes audio files. In this short tutorial we will learn how to move the slider controls to the main composition.
Sync animation to music using After Effects expressions
During the making of the music video Let It Carry You by José González, I needed a way to animate a lot of objects and sync them to music, so I created a simple UI to control the effects. Here’s how I did it.
Franz Ackermann
Det är inte ofta man får en aha-känsla, men igår hände det för mig när jag var på en utställning med Franz Ackermann på Berlinische Galerie i Berlin.
Extreme Audio Recording
Extreme Audio Recording beskriver sig själva som ett “konsultbolag som skapar ljud i hög kvalité till datorspel, film, TV, och appar”. De är extremt bra och har precis fått en extremt ny och fräsh responsiv hemsida
Om webbdesign och status
Efter att ha läst en intressant diskussion på Jason Santa Marias’s blogg, började jag tänka på olika design-medium, och framför allt webben som ett medium.
This is an icon set I made for my online portfolio. They represent Portfolio, Blog, Information and Contact. The second category represent the filter for the portfolio page: Graphic Design, Webb, Motion Graphic and Identity.
This movie compares how much space one person has in different cities I lived in. This is calculated by taking the number of inhabitants divided by the area of the city. The movie is a tribute to the classic information graphic movie the Power of Ten. Den här filmen jämför hur mycket levnadsutrymme en person… Continue reading Dencity