How to export and compress a glTF file with Draco 3D using Blender

TLDR; Export the file with glTF 2.0 and enable compression under Geometry. During some experimentation with the VR framework A-Frame, I found out there is a new format for the web called glTF. It’s used for describing 3D models, animations and textures, all in one file. (Here is an example of a glTF file rendered… Continue reading How to export and compress a glTF file with Draco 3D using Blender

Franz Ackermann

Det är inte ofta man får en aha-känsla, men igår hände det för mig när jag var på en utställning med Franz Ackermann på Berlinische Galerie i Berlin.

Extreme Audio Recording

Extreme Audio Recording beskriver sig själva som ett “konsultbolag som skapar ljud i hög kvalité till datorspel, film, TV, och appar”. De är extremt bra och har precis fått en extremt ny och fräsh responsiv hemsida


This is an icon set I made for my online portfolio. They represent Portfolio, Blog, Information and Contact. The second category represent the filter for the portfolio page: Graphic Design, Webb, Motion Graphic and Identity.


This movie compares how much space one person has in different cities I lived in. This is calculated by taking the number of inhabitants divided by the area of the city. The movie is a tribute to the classic information graphic movie the Power of Ten. Den här filmen jämför hur mycket levnadsutrymme en person… Continue reading Dencity